FREE TRAINING with digital competence vouchers
The digital competence voucher trainings offered by RAABE Bulgaria are free courses funded by the Human Resources Development Programme 2021-2027. They are aimed at employees wishing to acquire or improve their digital skills at basic, intermediate and advanced level, according to the European Digital Competence Framework DigComp 2.1. The trainings are conducted remotely in a videoconferencing environment with a leading lecturer and include access to learning materials via an online platform. Upon successful completion and passing an exam, participants receive a certificate for the acquired level of competence.
Your new opportunity to acquire and improve your digital skills at basic, intermediate and advanced levels of digital competence in line with the European Framework – DigComp 2.1 levels 1-2 and 3-4.
What is the focus of the programme?
The main focus of the training is to acquire the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes to use digital technologies, build basic digital competences and apply them in different subject areas. The topics in the additional module are aimed at building skills for using basic public digital services in the Republic of Bulgaria.
What is the format of the RAABE trainings?
RAABE offers distance learning in a videoconferencing environment with a leading speaker – an expert in the field. Participants will also be able to prepare independently with unlimited access to the training materials on our platform https://raabeonline.com
What is the duration of the training?
For General Digital Skills (Levels 1 and 2 of DigComp 2.1.), 45 training hours are provided. The additional training module for Public Digital Services is 10 training hours. In total for the basic level – 55 training hours spread over several days according to a pre-announced schedule.
How does the training end?
Participants of the training take a final exam, which is conducted electronically in the electronic certification module of the Single Certification Center. Anyone who has attended a minimum of 80% of the scheduled hours is eligible to take the exam. A trainee may take the exam no more than twice.
Upon successful completion of the exam, the learner receives a Certificate of Competence in accordance with the European Digital Competence Framework DigComp 2.1.
Target audience
Digital skills for all
Digital skills for the workforce
Digital technology
Digital Skills
Funding of the good practice
Type of initiative of the good practice
National initiative
Country providing the good practice
Organisation providing the good practice