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Digital Skills for Bulgarian SMEs Programme

By Bulgaria, Country providing the good practice, Funding of the good practice, INSPIRATION: Good practices, International good practice initiative, Public, Type of initiative of the good practiceNo Comments
Digital Skills for Bulgarian SMEs Programme

18.07.2024 |

The programme Digital Skills for Bulgarian SMEs was launched in 2018 by the Global Libraries Bulgarian Foundation (GBLF). The initiative, previously implemented in Latvia, was successfully replicated in Bulgaria and aimed to connect libraries to private businesses, so they can take up the role of educational centres for modern digital knowledge and SME-specific skills. Partners of GLBF are the “Made in Bulgaria – Union of Small and Medium Business” Association and the Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association (LIKTA). T

The programme is funded under the “Transnational and Danube Partnerships for Employment and Growth” procedure of the  “Human Resources Development” 2014-2020 Operational Programme, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund.

The objective behind the project ‘Digital Skills for Bulgarian SMEs’ was to enhance opportunities for sustainable employment, bringing together actors from the public and private sector, and improve the skills of the labour force in Bulgaria, with a focus on SME employees.

Aims and objectives

The project aimed to build sustainable transnational partnerships between stakeholders from Latvia and Bulgaria and encourage transfer of innovative practices such as:

  • Adaptation of an interactive training model based on online learning, face to face training and practical application of knowledge, for the acquisition of digital competence of employees in SMEs across the country;
  • Establishing public libraries as centres for digital inclusion of employees and improving the prospects for sustainable employment of 30 employees from SMEs in three Bulgarian districts.
Why is this a good practice?

The initiative achieved substantial results, implementing various activities including: a 5-day visit of 8 experts and 2 SMEs from Bulgaria to Latvia, offering an opportunity to exchange experiences and share good practices in building digital skills for the workforce. Local partner networks of stakeholders across 3 regions in Bulgaria (Plovdiv, Smolyan and Stara Zagora) were developed over the course of the project’s implementation.

A key strength was also the adaptation of a new educational programme with learning modules to enable the acquisition of some of the most up-to-date digital skills needed for SME employees (and tailored to their specific needs). Subject topics included: digital marketing, cloud services for SMEs, safe online transactions and collaboration and data protection and privacy. 

In addition, three 1-month pilot trainings gathering 30 employees in various SMEs were organised in the context of contemporary digital competences in regional libraries. The innovative methods and approaches adapted from the Latvian programme were also assessed and evaluated.

Results and impact

As a result of the project’s activities, 30 employees in SMEs in the three districts managed to improve their digital skills through easy access to flexible forms of informal learning. This resulted in improved productivity for employees, raised the competitiveness of participating SMEs in the labour market, and promoted employment sustainability.

The results were disseminated through a campaign, which reached 960 libraries from the network of the Global Libraries – Bulgaria Foundation, almost 1.400 members of the association “Made in Bulgaria”, and numerous stakeholders on both local and national level.


Target audience

Digital skills for all

Digital skills for the workforce

Digital technology

Cloud Computing
Digital skills




Funding of the good practice


Type of initiative of the good practice

International initiative


Country providing the good practice



Organisation providing the good practice

Start date

End date

Digital Skills Partnership

By Country providing the good practice, Funding of the good practice, INSPIRATION: Good practices, National good practice initiative, Other, Public, Type of initiative of the good practiceNo Comments
Digital Skills Partnership


Meet, exchange and collaborate between businesses and promoters of digital projects.

The Digital Skills Partnership (DSP) is a programme that aims to operationalise partnerships between businesses and initiatives in the digital field. With the evolution of our daily lives, digital has profoundly transformed the way we communicate, work, learn and even interact with our environment. It is therefore crucial for all actors in society to adapt to this digital transformation. For IMS, digitalisation is essential to respond to current challenges and build a sustainable future for all.

What is the added value?

This programme offers an opportunity for mutually beneficial partnerships. Participating companies can support local initiatives by implementing their CSR policy, mobilising their staff and engaging in positive impact projects. For initiatives, the CSP offers visibility, enabling them to raise awareness of their causes and obtain valuable support in their partnerships.

Who can participate?

The participating initiatives can be social and solidarity-based economy structures, public organisations, schools and training institutions, as well as research actors. They all share a shared commitment to digital and a willingness to make a positive difference in society.

For businesses, they can participate locally in initiatives, also enabling them to implement their CSR strategies.

Process of the project

The programme takes place in several key phases, including preparatory workshops for companies and project promoters, a Digital Skills Matchmaking event for quick meetings between businesses and initiatives, as well as follow-up workshops to maintain and develop established partnerships.

  • Preparation workshop for Digital Skills Matchmaking for initiatives – 15 May 2024
  • Digital Skills Matchmaking Preparation Workshop for Business – 16 May 2024
  • Digital Skills Matchmaking – Level 2024
  • Partnership Monitoring Workshop – Autumn 2024
Digital Skills Matchmaking

The Digital Skills Matchmaking event will be organised in summer 2 024 in line with speed meeting. This great meeting is a unique opportunity for businesses and initiatives to connect, share ideas and create partnerships.

This event has existed since 2021 and brings together around fifty digital players each year in Luxembourg and WielkoRégion to set up partnerships. Every year, in addition to the speed meeting concept, the event hosts speakers on topics related to CSR and digital initiatives. In 2023, more than 38 partnerships were signed at the Digital Skills Matchmaking held at the ICT Spring. The event included Laurence Roquelaure d’Accenture Luxembourg, Hélène Snyer d’Accenture Song BELUX, Torlogh O’Boyled d’Accenture UK & Ireland and Mara K. GoldenMe, who shared their experience in setting up partnerships between companies and initiatives.

The Digital Skills Partnership programme is supported by the Ministry of State’s Innovative Initiatives initiative of the Media Service, Connectivity and Digital Policy, as well as by the European Social Fund and the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition.


Target audience

Digital skills for the workforce

Digital skills for ICT professionals

Digital technology

Digital skills






Funding of the good practice


Type of initiative of the good practice

National initiative

Country providing the good practice


Organisation providing the good practice

TO BE FILLED: Here should be the title of the event in capital letters. The same title goes in the section above "ADD TITLE". Please include the country providing the practice in it.

TO BE FILLED: A brief summary is placed here, followed by the text about the good practice.



Target audience

Digital skills for all

Digital skills for the workforce

Digital skills for ICT professionals

Digital skills in education

Digital skills for children

Digital skills for public administration

Digital technology

Artificial Intelligence







Funding of the good practice




Type of initiative of the good practice

EU institutional initiative

International initiative

National initiative

Local initiative

Country providing the good practice



Organisation providing the good practice

Name of the organisation

Start date


End date



By AI & ML, AR & VR, Audience, Basic digital skills, Bulgaria, Country providing the good practice, For children, Funding of the good practice, In education, INSPIRATION, INSPIRATION: Good practices, Local good practice initiative, Public, Technology, Type of initiative of the good practiceNo Comments
Plovdiv school prepares artificial intelligence programmers

27.03.2023 |

 In 2022, the Plovdiv high school “St. Paisii Hilendarski” opened a program for students in grades 9-12, preparing them for the profession of “Artificial Intelligence Programmer”. The program is aimed at developing methods for implementing aspects of human intelligent behavior. The main goals of the training are:

  • Introducing students to artificial intelligence;
  • Learning various programming languages;
  • Data analysis and processing;
  • Understanding the basic concepts of neural networks.

Students who graduate from the “Artificial Intelligence Programming” specialty acquire a third degree of professional qualification and the profession of “Artificial Intelligence Programmer”.

The “St. Paisius of Hilendar” high school can also boast the opening of a parallel class for fifth graders in “Robotics and Virtual Design”. The skills that students will acquire during their training include:

  • Application of robotics to solve practical tasks;
  • Construction and programming of robotic devices’ behavior;
  • Web design – creating and publishing information on the internet;
  • Designing, creating structure, visual and graphic design of websites;
  • Building, testing, and publishing websites;
  • Styling and adding functionality to web pages;
  • Virtual and augmented reality – creating and animating 3D objects; transforming 2D into 3D objects.

The goal of the school is to create specialists prepared for the professions of the future by acquainting them with the possibilities for development and career in the field of high technologies.


Target audience

Digital skills in education

Digital skills for children

Digital technology

Artificial Intelligence

Virtual Reality

Digital Skills




Funding of the good practice


Type of initiative of the good practice

Local initiative

Country providing the good practice


Organisation providing the good practice

SU “Paisii Hilendarski”

Start date


End date
