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Career guidance for young people through virtual company tours

By Funding of the good practice, INSPIRATION, INSPIRATION: Good practices, National good practice initiative, Public-private, Type of initiative of the good practiceNo Comments
Career guidance for young people through virtual company tours


Among other things, the digital transformation has changed the way information is communicated. This also applies to information about professions and companies. The Biwi – Virtual Company Tour project also makes use of this. 

Getting to know professions virtually

With the help of virtual reality glasses (VR glasses), young people can immerse themselves more intensively than before in a wide range of professions. They can explore training companies in 360-degree mode and experience the respective occupational field in a realistic 3D video format. The information is provided by peers who are currently undergoing training or an apprenticeship at the company in question. 

The VR glasses required for this are available in the WKO career information centers and the Berufsinformationszentrum der Wiener Wirtschaft (BiWi), for example. They are mainly used for career and apprenticeship counseling.

Visit companies from home

The virtual company tours are not only possible in the centers equipped for this purpose, but also from home. With the help of a special web application, the companies can be explored via computer or notebook. The app is freely accessible and the interface can be navigated using a mouse. A smartphone or tablet can also be used as a “window” into the virtual world of apprenticeships. The gyroscope function enables 360° rotation and free orientation within the virtual environment.

Young people currently have access to just under 80 professions they can experience, and the range is constantly being expanded. Information is currently available on professions in the fields of construction and trades; vehicles and machinery; physics, chemistry and planning; language and culture; health and social affairs; working in nature; food and hospitality; art, sport and beauty.

What makes BiWi virtual company tours a good practice?

The offer can be used on an individual and self-directed basis, but can also be used as part of career guidance courses or in a school context. In this way, young people can decide for themselves whether the respective occupational field appears interesting to them – and they also come into contact with career opportunities that may have been previously unknown. 

On the one hand, using this service increases the digital skills of the people who create the respective content. On the other hand, it automatically leads to an increase in skills on the part of the users when they use this VR technology. The open and free use of the app promotes participation for all and is a good example of the inclusive potential of digital technologies



Target audience

Digital skills in education

Digital technology

Virtual Reality



Funding of the good practice


Type of initiative of the good practice

National initiative

Country providing the good practice


Organisation providing the good practice

Digital Inclusion

By Country providing the good practice, Funding of the good practice, INSPIRATION: Good practices, National good practice initiative, Other, Private, Type of initiative of the good practiceNo Comments
Digital Inclusion


Digital Inclusion, an initiative by Česko.Digital and Notum focuses on developing an educational platform to improve the digital skills of social workers in the Czech Republic. This platform aims to equip social workers with the necessary digital skills and knowledge to enhance their work and provide better digital support to their clients. Additionally, it serves as a resource for improving the digital skills of digitally excluded and vulnerable clients, who constitute 30% of the Czech population.

Why is this Initiative Necessary?

The rationale behind the Digital Inclusion project stems from unique research conducted by Česko.Digital, supported by numerous Czech NGOs, among digitally excluded or vulnerable populations in the Czech Republic. The research identified three main challenges these individuals face. Firstly, they are highly susceptible to digital fraud and scams and struggle to identify or mitigate them effectively. Secondly, they are often suspicious of and reluctant to interact with state institutions online, hindering the timely addressing of their needs. Additionally, professionals in social services, residential facilities, and other support roles often lack the digital skills to support these individuals effectively. Recognising these issues, intervention among social workers was identified as the most systematic and scalable solution. Social workers who have close contact with the digitally excluded and vulnerable have the potential to positively influence their digital skills and attitudes. By empowering social workers, the initiative aims to facilitate self-sufficiency, enabling digitally excluded and vulnerable people to navigate online services independently.

Current Impact

Since its inception, the Digital Inclusion project has made significant strides. Research has been conducted among digitally vulnerable and excluded populations, reaching 794 questionnaire responses and 61 in-depth interviews in collaboration with over 30 NGOs. The results were evaluated, three major problems were identified, and eight respondent profiles were created. The research findings have been published to raise awareness of digital exclusion in the Czech Republic, with a website launched on January 20, 2024, garnering 549 views, averaging three minutes per visit. Additionally, the findings have received media coverage and have been presented to the Digital Education Committee of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport. The project is progressing through milestones such as establishing a brand and marketing strategy, developing the educational platform, and preparing platform content, with 30 lessons planned for the minimum viable product (MVP). The goal is to impact at least 10,000 beneficiaries, including social workers and their clients.

Why is it a Good Practice?

Digital Inclusion addresses the critical need for improving digital literacy among social workers and their clients. The initiative’s focus on empowering social workers is a strategic and scalable solution to the challenges faced by digitally excluded and vulnerable populations. The platform ensures practical and impactful training by providing short, relevant learning modules that address the specific questions and problems social workers face in their daily work. The collaborative approach in creating and updating content ensures that it remains fresh and relevant, fostering active participation from social workers. The project’s comprehensive research and engagement with multiple stakeholders, including NGOs and government bodies, demonstrate its commitment to understanding and addressing the needs of the target population. Recognised for its contribution to digital education, Digital Inclusion exemplifies effective intervention in improving digital literacy, fostering independence, and enhancing the overall well-being of digitally excluded and vulnerable individuals in the Czech Republic.


Target audience

Digital skills for all

Digital skills for the workforce

Digital technology

Digital skills





Funding of the good practice


Type of initiative of the good practice

National initiative

Country providing the good practice


Digital Transformation of the Municipality of Ioannina: A Good Practice for Enhancing Digital Skills

By Country providing the good practice, Funding of the good practice, INSPIRATION: Good practices, National good practice initiative, Other, Public, Type of initiative of the good practiceNo Comments
Digital Transformation of the Municipality of Ioannina: A Good Practice for Enhancing Digital Skills


In recent years, the Municipality of Ioannina has been pioneering in the field of digital transformation, carrying out a series of coordinated interventions, actions, choices and strategic planning. This comprehensive effort resulted in the formulation of a 10-year Digital Strategy, which is aligned with national and European directions, as well as with the needs of the local community. The Digital Strategy was conceived as a dynamic document, which is constantly updated through consultations with local stakeholders. It includes the vision, the guidelines for digital interventions, as well as a roadmap with concrete actions, which are adapted according to available resources and funding opportunities.

A key element of the new strategy is the transformation of municipal services to enhance the supply of user-friendly digital services that meet the needs of citizens and businesses. The ultimate goal is to use information and communication technologies as tools for modern governance and development, thus creating “Smart Ioannina”, a city ready for the future.

Implementation of the Four Pillars of Digital Skills & Jobs Platform

This initiative addresses directly the four pillars of the Digital Skills & Jobs Platform. It promotes digital skills for all citizens by offering free programs such as the Cisco Networking Academy to a wide range of citizens. It targets specific groups, such as older people over 65, helping them acquire basic digital skills. In addition, it integrates digital tools into the local economy, especially for businesses in the tourism sector, through initiatives such as “Grow Greece with Google”.

Targeting and Impact

This initiative is aimed at a wide range of users, including citizens, businesses and vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities, single parents and the elderly. By providing comprehensive education and access to digital services, the Municipality ensures that these groups will not be left behind in the digital age. The effects are evident in improved services, faster response times and overall improved user experience. The focus on digital training and upskilling is also evident, with the aim of making the local workforce more competitive and better equipped for the demands of the digital economy.

Sustainability and Reproduction Ability

The digital transformation of the Municipality of Ioannina is an example of good practice in enhancing digital skills. The initiative is not only committed to equipping the target audience with relevant skills, but also provides a comprehensive and transparent framework that can inspire and guide similar projects across Europe. With a focus on integration, sustainability and innovation, it aspires to be a role model for other municipalities that want to embrace the digital future. It exploits the potential offered by digital technologies for the benefit of citizens and tourism development. For example, advanced digital tools such as a 3D optical scanner are used to preserve cultural heritage.

Information and visual material were collected from the website of the Municipality of Ioannina andNSRF 2021-2027


Target audience

Digital skills for all

Digital skills for the workforce

Digital skills for ICT professionals

Digital technology

Digital skills






Funding of the good practice



Type of initiative of the good practice

Local initiative

Country providing the good practice
