Last days to apply for the European Digital Skills Awards
This year marks the return of the prestigious European Digital Skills Awards, an initiative of the European Commission aimed at rewarding the good practices that are helping Europeans gain the digital skills they need for life and work. Only a few days are left to send applications: the deadline is 8 April EOB, so if you are considering applying, now it is the moment to start writing!
The Digital Skills and Platform team has already received a large number of interesting projects and initiatives from all over Europe in the 5 categories of the Awards:
• Empowering Youth in Digital
• Digital Upskilling @ Work
• Digital Skills for Education
• Inclusion in the Digital World
• Women in ICT Careers
Organisations of all types can apply, as long as at least one of the applicants is based in an EU country: citizen initiatives, universities, EU funded projects, public and private entities and non-profits can all participate and gain recognition for their active contribution in supporting the Digital Decade targets set by the European Commission.
The focus of the awards is on digital skills, of all levels and for all; whether your organisation runs courses on basic digital skills, or is training and certifying digital professionals, or is supporting the digital up- and re-skilling of professionals in all sectors, we encourage you to apply.
To understand clearly if your project or initiative is eligible, and to figure out in which category you should include it, we invite you to read the How to apply section, and check the FAQ page, where we hope you will find answers to the many questions you might have.
Each project or initiative can be presented in only one of the 5 categories, and applicants will be able to detail who are their target publics and what impact they are having on the digital skills gap in their specific area of action. Among the criteria for a successful application there will be the innovative character of the project, the communication activities implemented to maximise reach, the attention to the sustainability and scalability of the project, but also the measures takes to ensure the inclusion of people of all abilities and of all social and cultural backgrounds.
We will announce the finalists after 25 May and the winners in June – so stay tuned!
If you are curious to know who won the previous editions of the Awards, check out the page dedicated to the past winners and get inspired by their projects.
Good luck to all the participants!
Target audience
Digital skills for all
Digital technology
Digital skills