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Plovdiv school prepares artificial intelligence programmers

27.03.2023 |

 In 2022, the Plovdiv high school “St. Paisii Hilendarski” opened a program for students in grades 9-12, preparing them for the profession of “Artificial Intelligence Programmer”. The program is aimed at developing methods for implementing aspects of human intelligent behavior. The main goals of the training are:

  • Introducing students to artificial intelligence;
  • Learning various programming languages;
  • Data analysis and processing;
  • Understanding the basic concepts of neural networks.

Students who graduate from the “Artificial Intelligence Programming” specialty acquire a third degree of professional qualification and the profession of “Artificial Intelligence Programmer”.

The “St. Paisius of Hilendar” high school can also boast the opening of a parallel class for fifth graders in “Robotics and Virtual Design”. The skills that students will acquire during their training include:

  • Application of robotics to solve practical tasks;
  • Construction and programming of robotic devices’ behavior;
  • Web design – creating and publishing information on the internet;
  • Designing, creating structure, visual and graphic design of websites;
  • Building, testing, and publishing websites;
  • Styling and adding functionality to web pages;
  • Virtual and augmented reality – creating and animating 3D objects; transforming 2D into 3D objects.

The goal of the school is to create specialists prepared for the professions of the future by acquainting them with the possibilities for development and career in the field of high technologies.


Target audience

Digital skills in education

Digital skills for children

Digital technology

Artificial Intelligence

Virtual Reality

Digital Skills




Funding of the good practice


Type of initiative of the good practice

Local initiative

Country providing the good practice


Organisation providing the good practice

SU “Paisii Hilendarski”

Start date


End date


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